Saturday, August 30, 2008

Questions worth asking

Kids, as promised, I'm making the effort to write, however, I don't expect you'll demand originality at every post. As you know, there are quite a few original thoughts out there that have earned the right to be exposed to as large an audience as possible, so that in case you end up missing them because of your reticence to visit certain places you might want to avoid, or find plainly distasteful to your liberal snobbishness, at least there's a chance you'll give them a glimpse, in a furtive attempt to check what lengths 'crazy mom' has gone to.

Here's one I thought merited looking at. It comes from one of those gainfully employed citizens who - rather than waste time attending a Hollywood inspired political worship-fests for the benefit of one more ersatz rock star - was working late, honoring the old American work ethic. Yeah, you know, the one that provides for the economic stability of this country, while allowing whiners, immediate gratification seekers, welfare queens and dons, and all those who'll attend anything that's free, plenty of leisure time.

I don't recall where this was posted, and just for the record, I am not averse to tacking a few add-ons to give the post some ME color in italics. So here it goes:

"DavesRaves1:13AMAug 29th 2008I didn't get home in time to hear the speech. Did Obama try to explain to the American people about his relationship with a terrorist who has never expressed any remorse about the government buildings he bombed?
(Alas, he did not. Not only that, but did not attempt to explain why the home-grown terrorist, now a 'respected tenured prof' - who rather regretted 'not having done enough bombing' - was in charge of a chunk of money from the Annenberg Foundation which he intended to use to turn schools into left-wing re-education camps. Meanwhile, archives detailing the close relationship between himself and Ayers, long suppressed by the Chicago Demo political machine, have now surfaced, to the predictable yawns from the friendly press).

Did Obama happen to mention what made him decide to attend Reverend Wright's church, why he chose to take his family there?And why he chose to stay for 20 years to listen to the reverend's hate-filled sermons?
(Mr O claims that it was Wright who taught him about 'Cheesas,' conceivably the one pictured with a scraggly scant beard, wearing green fatigues, a red beret topped with a star, and sporting an AK47. Just below him a legend reads "Whitey, your time is coming...")

Did Obama explain why he voted against the "Born Alive" act three separate times?( That was the bill that would allow medical care for a fetus who survived a late-term abortion procedure, rather than leaving it in a laundry room to die).
(Tsk, tsk, Dave, you know better than to ask questions that are 'above Obama's pay grade').

Did Obama try to clear the air about his business dealings with a convicted Chicago slum lord, who donated heavily to Obama's political career and helped Obama buy his million-dollar home for 300 thousand off the sales price?
(No, nothing on that. But Dave, you forgot to ask why, in return for his benefactor's generosity, Obama obtained for Resko contracts worth some 14 and a half mill! Not a bad return on a buddy's investment, he? Meanwhile, isn't Oby's bro living on 1 dollar a day back in Kenya? Now, there's someone who could use some 'CHANGE').

Did Obama explain what he really meant concerning those radical quotes from his books, like, "I will stand with the Muslims..." or "White folks greed runs a world in need"?
(Never mind Obama's explanations. Don't you rather wonder why 'White folks' who read this incendiary prose and have proof positive of this guy's hatred for them continue their infatuation with the author? Do we now REALLY have the insane running the asylum?)

Did Obama explain why his church gave a "lifetime achievement" award to the leader of the Muslim nation and the biggest racist in the world, Lewis Farrakhan?
(That's an easy one to answer. Any man who actually sells video tape of himself ranting in front of a gleeful, applauding congregation; "God bless America....??? NO!!! Goddamn America!!!" does not need to explain anything further. The mystery is why are those who've heard the rants still doubting not only the intent of this angry anti-American racist hiding behind clerical robes, but his toxic influence over his listeners, among them the O's. Is this type of hate-speech protected?
Also, what are the consequences of giving guys like Wright a free pass. Where is the outrage of the patriots?)

And lastly- did the anointed one explain how a junior Senator who has been in office less than three years, and has spent half that time campaigning, should be elected President of the greatest nation on earth?
(One can already hear the wheels turning and the knives sharpening in preparation for Palin's entrance into their world of big time slash and burn politics. Here's a small proof of their unmitigated gall: They're trying to turn the table questioning her ability to 'lead' with ONLY two years experience...!!! Say what?)

By the way- did Obama happen to thank his buddies at CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, and PMSNBC for being steadfast with their hush-hush about the above issues?"
(No Dave, no thanks needed there. Olbermann and Matthews have whored for Obama from day one free of charge, Stewart and Colbert have kept the faithful amused, distracted and anesthetized from reality with their clever antics, and Soros, Buffet and Gates have had no trouble tossing a few coins to keep the clowns dancing, the flame and knife throwers.. well... throwing, the elephant dung cannon balls firing in all directions, to bring their dream of 'One World' into fruition. Why bother with gratitude when all the wheels are turning in sync?).

So guys, I think Dave has a point. Doesn't he? I rather despair ( or is it shudder) when I think of how shallow and uninformed present voters are. How misled and self serving, waiting for Messiah Big Government to solve the problems they themselves help create, and are unwilling to remedy. They are sure the ONE will perform a miracle greater than the multiplication of loaves and fishes, one that will be henceforth called: "The Plundering of the Productive Class." Or as referred to in Demo-spin 're-distribution.' When that happens, all the heretofore hungry, needful masses, (so exploited and downtrodden by those who only offer them jobs they are too good to accept, and leave them no choice but to sit around the flat screen watching Oprah), now will have a reason to exert themselves. It's quite a stretch - you know - leaving the comfort of the couch to check the bank balance online, just in case the direct deposit has arrived from BIG BRO.

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