Friday, November 13, 2009

And the beat goes on...3

Do not be fooled, you little righteous rightie peeps! Anita and Van will still be around, Mark Lloyd, Carol Browner, Robert McChesney, Cass Sunstein, Ayers, etc. etc. will still be worshipping at the altar of Mao, Chavez, Castro and the Marx Bros...

And guess what? As added bonus from the election of '08 Iran and North Korea will be able to send us to Kingdom come with impunity, given the clear thinking decisiveness shown so far by 'our dear leader,' and the love and respect he will have garnered for us from all the countries of the world who used to hate us. Isn't that fabulous?

Sarcasm apart, truth is, America will not be safe until these bunch of radical baboons is finally sent off to one of their favorite dictarorships, among them Cuba (there's a vacancy coming up at Gitmo, I hear!) or even to Venezuela, where Mark Lloyd says they are having 'an incredible democratic revolution'. This one, we are told is not 'astroturf', it comes complete with all the fun accoutrements of a "genuine people driven social movement," such as gulags, bullet pocked walls where people with eyes bandaged will be allowed to enjoy one last cigarette; with random assassination of political opponents, and with the ever-so wonderful and essential take-over of communications... Can you sit still and wait for all this fun?

Just hope the crowd of libtards don't spoil it for us it by being overly anxious. Those nervous Nellys, should cool their heels for a while, just crack their proletarian knuckles to relieve tension, and keep on repeating the following hopeful mantras while clicking their heels: "Be still my little heart..! There's no place like home..! All things work for the good of those who love Mao..!

Meanwhile, those of us so heartbroken by the sudden demise of Anita.. let's intone this catchy little tune: Ding Dunn.. the witch is dead...
And the beat goes on.. 2

Yet, fear not little flock of democRATS, Anita's was probably just a horizontal move, much like that of Van Jones. Ya know.. these vermin are either cloned, re-incarnated, or just re-appear under a different designation, in a different department... somewhere, somehow ...they seem to have more lives than a cat. They will most likely still be serving the purposes of the party. In their case I am reminded of those villains in Greek mythology: the HYDRAS. No sooner one of their heads is lopped off, when 10 more re-appear. Lawrdy, lawrd... will someone rid us of these useless toxic ass-ets... 2010 cannot come soon enough! --

As for you, the virtuous crowd of the "righteous righties", here's a word of encouragement: This too shall pass! But just wait, sometime when next year's political campaign is in full swing, we will start to see the 'enormous beneficial effects' of that giant scam perpetrated upon us: The "Stimulus Package" version #1! Oh yes, there are more to come! This wealth-re-distributing admin is insatiable, until stopped.Very suddenly, I'm sure, we'll see the economy appear to be improving; the government will stuff the bureaucratic ranks with useless drones collecting at our expense enormous paychecks and benefits to make it appear as though more jobs have been created. Pork barrel projects will start moving; Bwaney Fwank will make his boyfriend remove pot garden from his backyard and bongs from his parlor and bedroom, to appear even more virtuous than he already is! Europe will once again pucker- up in the direction of the good ol' USA. Peace and harmony will reign anew, and a new Age of Aquarius will seem to lull the voters into thinking Obi-wan-canIdiot has things under control, just in time for mid-term elections.
And the beat goes on..

Tsk, tsk... so Anita Dunn, WH Communications Director, and one more skunk in the middle of Obamanure's socialist highway, finally became ROADKILL; and all for the sake of expediency within this Neo-commie administration, which does not hesitate to eat its own when they become 'inconvenient'. Well, BOO-FREAKING-HOO!

Having worked under Mao-Bama's mouthpiece, Robert Gibbs (the WH's very own 'Michelin man', lard-butt and blimp-boy) whose job is to daily spout off the party line, then defend, spin, sugar-coat and conceal its full intent and toxicity. Policy, widely believed, is really dictated by those two utterly charming hatchet men, Rahmbo and AXelrod (how appropriate!). Anita was just the last rung on the responsibility-for -blunders ladder, and as such imminently expendable. As such then, having taken on a bigger enemy than Obi, Ra and AX could handle, she has become the 'casualty du jour.'

But let's be realistic here, M-Obidick plays only a minor role in the ideological chain of command; he's turned out to be the 'executor' of the orders, and the most prominent face fronting for the "Internationale" busy at work in present day Amerikka. And isn't that a swooning, breathless gathering of MSM suck-up sycophants, hanging on every word that comes from above, during the daily exercise of wasted time that goes by the name of " press conference"?

Still, the sad news about Anita deserves a moment of silence , let's not be as callous as Obummer who, while more occupied in a 'shout out' about Indian rights, was finally forced to address the 'man caused disaster' at Fort Hood. He was loath to call it what it what it was: a terrorist attack, as he urged 'not to jump to conclusions.'

So, one more hag thrown under the bus! -- But who's counting.. there's more where that one came from. Among the vast rolls of ACORN and SEIU, among the long list of 'socially redeemed' ex convicts whom the joke-in-chief has determined to be 'victims' of the capitalist system, among the radical college profs who own every lectern in the American higher ed system; among the alums, and academia recruited indoctrinees... yes, the obamessiah has a never ending supply of RED obajihadis, willing to wear exploding vests and dynamite rigged burqas for the sake of furthering the aims of those who are REALLY pulling the strings of this empty suit. -- I would include among the bomb-throwers the Hollyweird 'queens', pervs, divas and simian rappers, but.. nah.. these idiots are too self-absorbed and brain-dead to focus on anything other than riding the fame, cash and demagoguery train for as long as their 15 minutes last.

The problem here is that Dunn had the temerity to throw out accusations and slander - no doubt siced by her superiors - the admin could not support, provide evidence for, or answer once challenged. Once the pressure grew someone had to go..

Monday, January 12, 2009

What's next?

To my faithful audience of (possibly) two people, I would like to assure you that writing is my passion and truly, not being able to sit down with all calm and deliberation to share with you my thoughts on this blog is the constant worm that gnaws at my brain.

Too many things to do, too many distractions, too many duties and responsibilities... I keep on dreaming of the day when all things shall be possible, without feeling the gravitational pull of 'stuff' that screams out for attention, and results in predictable guilt when neglected. Even worse are the piles of papers on my desk that cry out for resolution, the mounds of bills that need payment to avoid the annoying reminders of bill collectors, as well as the substantial finance charges that accrue... aaargh!

However, there comes a point when, as the French say: 'ras le bol!' the cup overflows and I must give in to the impulse or... explode. I suspect I may be reaching that watermark. There are so many issues, cultural, personal, national, global, etc., going on in the world that 'require my opinion,' and I would be remiss were I to continue holding back.

The problem is in which direction to go, and where to start?

For a brief list of possible themes to consider:

1) I certainly think that reflections on my own mortality should be forthcoming.

2) The legacy and advice to my children, who may only read and consider it when I'm gone but, nonetheless, looking down from heaven I hope, I will consider this time well spent.

3) Various thoughts on apologetics.

4) Consideration or comments of the writings of various authors, saints, historians, OpEd page articles, that have impacted me greatly, and bloggers' musings, many infinitely wise, valid and to the point.

5) Am I over politics? Hey, I'm a Religious and Political animal. Many would tag me as abrasive, controversial and argumentative. NONSENSE! Just as many people need physical exercise for their well being, I need exercise of the mind to keep sane. Whether with myself, or with others, I need my daily ration of mental calisthenics.

The trouble here is that there are so few people willing to engage me. This is, to my mind, the result of a surprising intellectual laziness, of cowardice and, frankly, lack of cojones on the part of the general list of my acquaintances. Either they feel personally threatened, uncomfortable with the subject matter at hand, and/or unwilling to be driven to an edge in which they might be confronted with reason. Some, mainly the young, will tend to dismiss me as a perennial ranter, as though I have been living in a world that never really existed and is just now opening into great possibilities never thought of before. Fat chance!

My mother used to say that the devil knows more because he's old... than because he's devil. The hackneyed little phrase 'Been there...done that,' fits perfectly in this case. There's little I have not seen and, having put my trust in political rhetoric, not hoped for, only to be totally disappointed by a good 98% of those who promised pie in the sky. To say that the current political and moral climate give me little comfort is an understatement.

There are other points I will attempt to dwell on, but I will think of them as I go along, for now as usual, duty calls and I must end this.

However, I do not want to leave without paying tribute to a man of gigantic intellect who has just passed away: Richard John Neuhaus, theologian, author of several books, and founder and editor of 'First Things' magazine. Like Augustin, Thomas Aquinas, John Henry Newman, CS Lewis, GK Chesterton, etc. this man was one of those bright lights that graces humanity for a brief instant and leaves enough of his thought to influence it yet, unfortunately, his words will fall in the deaf ears of those who need them the most.

I like to think I could have met this man, because despite the fact that he hobnobbed with intellectual, political and religious celebrities, he was a first and foremost a parish priest whose soaring sermons never talked down to his mostly humble audience, somewhere in a New York parish. He was a confessor, youth advisor, community organizer, though in a GOOD WAY and for good causes (friend to Martin Luther King, no less!), not the type whose aim is to radicalize the country to turn into a socialist heaven.

Requiescat in pacem, Father Neuhaus. Please keep you appointment book open in heaven, and squeeze me in for a moment when I get there. I'd love to have a chat with you! BTW, I drooled when in your careful, measured, tone you laid out and dissected complicated issues as with a scalpel, like a gifted surgeon. And, what can I say... I loved your wicked wit! Michael Novak in his eulogy paid you a grand compliment, tongue in cheek he said you could be on occasion a master of 'humble ostentation.'