Friday, November 13, 2009

And the beat goes on...3

Do not be fooled, you little righteous rightie peeps! Anita and Van will still be around, Mark Lloyd, Carol Browner, Robert McChesney, Cass Sunstein, Ayers, etc. etc. will still be worshipping at the altar of Mao, Chavez, Castro and the Marx Bros...

And guess what? As added bonus from the election of '08 Iran and North Korea will be able to send us to Kingdom come with impunity, given the clear thinking decisiveness shown so far by 'our dear leader,' and the love and respect he will have garnered for us from all the countries of the world who used to hate us. Isn't that fabulous?

Sarcasm apart, truth is, America will not be safe until these bunch of radical baboons is finally sent off to one of their favorite dictarorships, among them Cuba (there's a vacancy coming up at Gitmo, I hear!) or even to Venezuela, where Mark Lloyd says they are having 'an incredible democratic revolution'. This one, we are told is not 'astroturf', it comes complete with all the fun accoutrements of a "genuine people driven social movement," such as gulags, bullet pocked walls where people with eyes bandaged will be allowed to enjoy one last cigarette; with random assassination of political opponents, and with the ever-so wonderful and essential take-over of communications... Can you sit still and wait for all this fun?

Just hope the crowd of libtards don't spoil it for us it by being overly anxious. Those nervous Nellys, should cool their heels for a while, just crack their proletarian knuckles to relieve tension, and keep on repeating the following hopeful mantras while clicking their heels: "Be still my little heart..! There's no place like home..! All things work for the good of those who love Mao..!

Meanwhile, those of us so heartbroken by the sudden demise of Anita.. let's intone this catchy little tune: Ding Dunn.. the witch is dead...

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