Thursday, August 28, 2008

Rappin' the Demo Campaign.

Now that both Clintons have appeared at the Democrazy convention and have - with glowing words - urged UNITY and forgiveness toward the crowd that snubbed Hillary in favor of the empty suit ( to the noisy acclaim of every slobbering ObSama fan), the rift seems temporarily healed and all is love and harmony between THE CHOSEN, and the CAST OUTS.

Billy fanned the fires by adding 'we are not a team of two, but we are bringing to the Demo pot 18 Mill others!' How generous and prescient of them, who not too long ago seethed uncontrollably. There must have been a last minute 'sweetening' of their own pot by the well funded ObSama camp (one dollar at a time). Maybe it was the soothing sound of 18 Mill to the Clinton pot that stopped their sulking just in time to show some love at the convention for the clown who they'd had formerly declared was unable to effectively pick up the phone at 3 AM. Hey, there were RED NUMBERS in Hillary's books, and the sweet sound of some large KAAACHINK! has been quite persuasive in erasing lingering qualms by the Clintons on previous occasions.

So, the picture is complete, if the ONE can part the waters, THE TWO can prophesy, at least as far as how many sheep they can add to the flock. The Biblical underpining the godless Demo hordes so want to avoid, seem to accrete on their man, much to their chagrin. It remains to be seen if the docile post-menopausals are in the mood to follow the BLACK RAM into the socialistic Nirvana he plans to create over the carcass of every presently productive business owner.

Should Obsama have named Sibelius as his running mate? They don't need a side show, she would only be a distraction. This election is all about THE ONE, the Pepsi Center is not enough to contain his ego nor the elelphantine perception he has of himself. So, in wisdom, he has dictated that the convention should move to the Bronco's stadium to let ALL who would want to help him bask in his own glory juices come and cheer. He's bigger than any president, celebrity or deity that has preceded him. He, after all, is THE ONE!

His 'surprising' appearance last night was just a foretaste of the APOTHEOSIS to come. His adoring fans have dispensed with the traditional vote and have 'proclaimed' him king. Now all that is needed is the crowning. And I'd be surprised if, like Napoleon, he does not take crown and scepter from the powers that be in DA PARTY, and place them on his own head. So... All hail (or is it hell) to the prospective chief! All we need now is Ludacris or 50 Cent intoning the national anthem to rap beat, Bill Ayers in charge of the fireworks and Tony Resko in charge of the financial arrangements. Oh, and did I mention Rev. Wright and Fr. Pfleger are in charge of the invocation?

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Tenesha said...
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