Saturday, October 4, 2008

On: "What should the media have asked Palin.."

Tsk, tsk... no one can keep the rabid lib-nutters happy. There was plenty of lip-smacking when they heard the right color (red and black), as well as appropriately interest-conflicted person was assigned the task of inquisitor at the VP debate. Some people posting on the Com(unist)edy Central blogs were swooning with glee.

What....? Why did their smirk vanish so quickly? They got their wish by having that ample-bodied figure (nah, she's just big boned!), asking the questions. Yeah, you know who I mean, the one with the ridiculous slime green outfit, and one more Obgasm inducing book about ObSama, on deck.
So...what happened? Did the questions turn out to be too tame for the lefties' taste?

Did Sarah disappoint them by not meeting the 'standard of stupid' they had had set for her in the month-long evisceration process carried out by the media, along with the sycophantic lunatic bloggers who visit all the sites cherished by the left ?

There was enough blood spilled at the Puffington Boast, the Daily Rant as well as the 'howl-oed halls' of Com(unist)edy Central to send a cruise ship to Scotland full of it processed into haggis. Those LCD mass-opinion- bending, near-funny guys, Stewart and Colbert could not get material fast enough to insidiously indoctrinate the faithful on how to best portray the object of their fears.

Gosh darn it! By heck! this woman through charm, honesty, candor and common sense might actually derail the unchained ObZero love-train.

You know, candid and honest are attributes the left has a reason to be panicked about. That tactic could ACTUALLY defeat the well planned and well heeled strategy - straight from Alinsky's method "Rules for Radicals" - that so far has been so fruitful and successful to those who serve as useful idiots to Soros and Co. To wit: The black-guilt ridden liberal whites intent on redressing past wrongs, the DemocRat party, the bull dykes who fund and protect Planned Murderhood, the various unions, ACORN, the entire DemoCreep Congress with Pelosi at the helm, and Barney Frank somewhere at his preferred 'tail-end' spot. If you know what I mean.

And they thought Rove was sinister? Fact is, in the Alinsky methodology these people are no better than cannon fodder. Of them the powers behind B. Hussein's campaign can truly say that, as it pertains to their purposes, 'The masses are Asses.'

Well, it's back to the drawing board for the bad guys. The job has just gotten a bit more difficult, but there's no shortage of bile or lies they will not employ or stoop down to in their quest to put a RED chimp in the oval office. Even as we speak, the latest load of manure being spread on the blogs. The buzz is that Palin wore an earpiece.

What I can say is that if that were the case one must truly stand in wonder of Palin. She must have one heck of a talent in order to absorb the text being passed on to her, and simultaneously move her lips. What a genius!

BTW, on the subject of Frank, has anyone stopped to notice the shape of his mouth as a 'full blown' pathetic down turned simian smile; something out of Il Pagliacci? Is it due to lack of teeth, or the result of more unrestrained, recreational, after Congressional duties activities?

1 comment:

Tenesha said...

I'm glad you posted your reaction to the debate - we were wondering what you were thinking :)