Tuesday, November 4, 2008

To my children... and whoever else might be interested

One last plea for sanity.

--Rights are not created or granted by government, they pertain to the realm of the 'Moral Law,' hence, they are given by God. Government exists ONLY to protect the people who give it power over them from having those rights taken away. --

As the argument among the ‘new enlightened’ runs: Abortion is ONLY ONE ISSUE in an election that has more important matters and issues to be decided, such as the economy and the war in Iraq.

However, reason, conscience, truth and righteousness not only demand, but scream out loud: NO! Abortion IS NOT ONE among many other issues…. IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE, because THE RIGHT TO LIFE IS THE ONE DEFINING ISSUE for humanity.
If no people remain to grant rights to, or take away rights from... who or what then remains?

Government then, is the servant of the people, not its master, therefore, government’s usefulness, purpose and duties are subservient to those it governs, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. That being the case, government’s primary role is that of keeping its citizens safe.

Further, the Constitution of the US spells this clearly: This is a government FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE. It also says that the people who are governed by it are endowed, NOT by the government, but BY THEIR CREATOR with INALIENABLE RIGHTS to LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.
The right to life was purposely put ahead of the other two because if life does not exist, the other two are meaningless.

Additionally, the Constitution declares that: NO STATE shall create laws that might imperil or abridge such rights.

The fact is that presently the state, through courts motivated by political reasons and outright biases, have arbitrarily superseded and nullified the will of the very people who initially granted it power to govern them, the very people they swore to serve. They have taken away rights from the majority, not in order to protect them, but to favor small groups of vocal, well funded minorities with very specific agendas. These minorities are intent on willfully subverting and misconstruing the wording of the Constitution to acquire for themselves rights and privileges completely unrelated to the meaning and intent of the framers.

Taking rights away from human beings -as it has happens yearly to approximately one and a half million infants inside a mother's womb since the passage of Roe v. Wade- is the ultimate aberration, the ultimate INSANITY perpetrated by a government over its own people.

If we logically examine the thought of such infamy and take it to its most elementary meaning, we end up with the EXTINCTION OF THE HUMAN SPECIES. This is occurring gradually through the silent GENOCIDE taking place since abortion became an arbitrary 'right.'

But what exactly is this 'right to choose' that radical feminism -aided by the media, by craven 'Hollywood values,' and by liberal courts- argues for? Despite the sophistry and verbal engineering imposed by the proponents of 'choice,' what we are talking about is nothing less than the right to kill one's own offspring. In other words, the right to commit MURDER! Yes, let's say it: it is the 'choice to either kill or to allow a human being to live,' plain and simple.

To re-state, there are quite a few questions pertinent to the subject of government and people that need to be seriously examined, they are as follows:
--If it is people who give power to government, but there are no people to either grant the power to govern or be governed, then does government exist?
--If the primary duty of government is to keep its people safe, but instead it turns against them by creating arbitrary laws which result in the destruction of the people, then has government exceeded and abused the power it was granted?
--If a defenseless human being cannot be safe in the place where it should feel most safeguarded --his mother’s womb-- then where exactly can a human being feel safe?
--If a mother cannot keep her own children safe, then who can?
--If a government makes laws to destroy its own citizens, then how can it keep them safe from enemies?
--If there is no peace between the government and its citizens, can there be peace between a government and the citizens of other countries?
--If there are no citizens to govern because they have been contracepted, aborted, and euthanized into non-existence, of what purpose then is government?

Many have argued that the immorality of killing people in an ‘unjust war’ trumps all other arguments as a reason to vote in politicians who not only advocate for abortion, but use the issue to attract votes from those who would profit politically and financially from its imposition.

Others also argue that the political 'right' cannot argue for the preservation of life in the womb, while it advocates 'capital punishment.'
On this point here is, however, no possible moral equivalence between the two issues.

Anyone willing to honestly use morality and logic to examine the enormous injustice of abortion will conclude that there is no possible rational justification for it. Abortion, by its own nature, is ultimately an act of intrinsic, unequivocal evil because it is the act of killing an innocent, defenseless, voiceless human being, while the killing of a heinous criminal involves first, a careful process of finding evidence of the criminal's culpability, and then seeking justice. Not until that process has been fully exhausted it is decided that society is better protected and served by not keeping the criminal alive. Equally, on the subject of what is called 'a just war,' there are cases in which a war must be conducted in order to save the citizens from a greater danger. One simply has to contemplate the consequences of remaining passive in the face of Hitler's rape of Europe and, yes, even in the case of the existence of weapons of mass destruction in the hands of unstable and fanatical Middle Eastern regimes. The following link will provide chilling proof of why sane people cannot afford to remain naive or complacent:
(If link as written here does not work by simply pressing on it, then copy and paste onto search engine, but whatever you do, don't fail to see it as well as other ones in the same website put on by Al-Jazeera regarding the 'rights and privileges of women' in muslim countries).

In sum, there exists no moral 'principle of proportionality' that can equate war or capital punishment to the evil of abortion, because abortion is aimed at the extinction of life for the purpose of convenience which, taken to its most drastic consequence, will lead humanity to extinction by its own hand.

As a human being with a moral conscience and compassion for those innocents who cannot speak for themselves, and as a mother, I have dared to speak out against this evil out of grave concern. Therefore, here’s is a final warning from a mother who begs her children to use their Catholic upbringing, their own moral conscience and compassion to awaken them from this unpardonable sin:

From the words of Malachi in Old Testament -which can in some instances be rather harsh, but for the moment we will forgo the digression into Theology- the Lord says:
“If I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. But if you warn the wicked and he DOES NOT turn from his wickedness, or from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you will have saved your life.
Again if a righteous man turns from righteousness and commits iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die; because you have not warned him, he shall die for his sin, and his righteous deeds which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require at your hand. Nevertheless if you warn the righteous man not to sin, and he does not sin, he shall surely live, because he took warning, and you will have saved your life.”

YES, WE ARE OUR BROTHER’S KEEPER! Even more so when our brother is a defenseless potential human being, endowed from the first moment of conception with every possible attribute and quality of the person he/she will have at the moment of birth, and at every moment thereafter until his/her death.

For some years going there has been enormous emphasis and indoctrination of schoolchildren regarding the proper stewardship of our planet's resources and the preservation of animal species. The question is, are seals, bears, turtles, etc. more valuable or worthy to be kept alive than human beings? If not, and they surely aren't, why do governments protect animals and prevent their extinction more vigorously than they do the life of human beings?

Still, as a human being of conscience it is not difficult to realize the fact that we live in a world where all living creatures are valuable not only for their utility to humans but because they enhance our quality of life. In this respect, long ago I learned long ago a lesson from my wonderful daughter which I have since followed religiously. She taught me to cut up the plastic rings that keep six packs of cans together so that sea animals, pelicans and other fauna would not be harmed by getting trapped by them when they become part of the debris that ends up in the sea.

Would that my two children hark back to the lessons in compassion, love of neighbor and respect for life they were once given, take a step back from the abys, from the temptation of giving power to people who will forcefully advocate and even impose the evil of abortion, and reconsider their vote.

With my heart in my hand I beg: please, please, please, reconsider! Your own future and that of your children is at stake.

Love, Mom

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